The ABPI demonstrates the high standards we set ourselves and that society expects from us. We deliver quality services to support industry to meet the highest possible standards, including through our Code of Practice, Disclosure UK and the ABPI Exam. By demonstrating the role industry plays in supporting population health, the NHS and the UK economy, the ABPI tells the story of how our members transform the lives of millions of people across the UK.
Sustainability in the pharmaceutical industry
Read cases studies about sustainability in the pharmaceutical industryABPI 2021 Code of Practice
The ABPI Code of Practice sets out the requirements the industry must comply with and supports companies’ commitment to self-regulation and to operate in a professional, ethical and transparent manner.
ABPI 2021 Code of PracticeDisclosure UK
The relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare professionals (HCPs) and healthcare organisations (HCOs) plays a vital role in the development and delivery of life-enhancing and life-saving medicines.
Open Disclosure UKABPI Medical Representatives Exam
The ABPI Exam is mandatory for all medical representatives working for companies who have agreed to abide by the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry.
ABPI examABPI-Ipsos Pharmaceutical Reputation Index
This study outlines some of the headlines and key insights from a year of research with the public, healthcare professionals and Members of Parliament to find out what they really think and feel about pharmaceutical companies in the UK.
Open the Reputation IndexValuing Vaccines
The pharmaceutical industry is dedicated to developing effective vaccines that benefit people's health, the economy and society.
Vaccination has saved more lives and prevented more serious diseases than any other advance in recent medical history. It has also enabled the economy to thrive and reduced the burden on the NHS.
See why the work of the pharmaceutical industry is crucial to the health of the UK and rest of the world.
Open Valuing Vaccines